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Driver Belgium Master NV

An undertaking for investment in receivables under Belgian law (vennootschap voor belegging in schuldvorderingen/société d'investissement en créances), acting with respect to its Compartment 1.

Contact details:

Driver Belgium Master NV VBS

Pablo Olloquiegui         
Legal Supervisor          
Tel: +32 (0)2 732 56 95
Gitte de Brabander
Managing Director
Tel: +32 (0)2 732 56 95
Alfonso Pagano       
Commercial Director
Tel:+44 (0) 7395 885461
Legal Team TMF (ML)       

DISCLAIMER: The Notes in Driver Belgium Master NV/SA, an undertaking for investment in receivables under Belgian law (vennootschap voor belegging in schuldvorderingen/société d'investissement en créances), acting with respect to its Compartment 1, may only be acquired, by subscription, transfer or otherwise and may only be held by Eligible Holders.

"Eligible Holders" are holders who satisfy each of the following criteria:

(i) they are per se qualifying investors (in aanmerking komende beleggers/investisseurs éligibles) within the meaning of Article 5, §3/1 of the Belgian Act of 3 August 2012 on institutions for collective investment that satisfy the criteria of directive 2009/65/EC and on institutions for investment in receivables (Wet betreffende de instellingen voor collectieve belegging die voldoen aan de criteria van richtlijn 2009/65/EG en de instellingen voor belegging in schuldvorderingen / Loi relative aux organismes de placement collectif qui répondent aux conditions de la Directive 2009/65/CE et aux organismes de placement en créances), as amended from time to time (the "SIC Law") ("Qualifying Investors") (a list of Qualifying Investors and be found here);

(ii) they have not registered to be treated as non-professional investors in accordance with Annex A, (I), second indent, of the Royal Decree of 19 December 2017 concerning further rules for implementation of the directive on markets in financial instruments;

(iii) they are not retail clients (as defined in the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive 2014/65/EU, as amended);

(iv) they are not consumers (consumenten/consommateurs) within the meaning of the Belgian Economic Law Code;

(v) they are holders of an exempt securities account (X-Account) with the Securities Settlement System or Securities Settlement System Participant.

Any acquisition of a Note by, or transfer of a Note to, a person who is not an Eligible Holder shall be void and not binding on the Issuer and the Security Agent.