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TMF Group has provided you with a proposal to support your business goals. Alongside our proposal we’ve provided additional details on how we support our clients in their quest to invest and operate safely around the world.

We aim to be your compliance partner by providing the administrative services you need to run legal entities compliantly and efficiently, including accounting and tax filings, employee administration and payroll, incorporation and fiduciary oversight and regulatory services.

We make a complex world simple. We want to be the way you access the world’s most exciting markets, making them easy and safe for you to invest and operate in. We’ll do this enabled by technology, but powered by our people, with their local knowledge and insight at the heart of our proposition.

Thank you for your consideration of TMF Group as your partner of choice, not only for your current goals, but into the future.

Know Your Customer

This request is a part of our standard acceptance process for every new client. Under EU legislation TMF Group is considered a financial services provider and is required by law to identify not only its clients, but also any ultimate beneficial owners (“UBO”) of its clients. In accordance with the different local anti-money laundering legislation TMF Group has adopted an internal know your client (“KYC”) compliance procedure, which is applicable in all our offices.

For compliance purposes, the Client agrees to provide TMF Group with all relevant information on the nature of its business and on the business of the Client’s local entities, on the origins of the funds used within the corporate structure of which they are part, as well as any other information, on the ultimate beneficial owner, which TMF Group may be required to obtain under any legislation regulating its business in any jurisdiction where it has a presence. Furthermore, we ask the Client to inform TMF Group about any changes in shareholder and/or Beneficial Ownership spontaneously and immediately after the change have occurred. The client and its UBOs agree that this information and/or documentation will be transferred to our Group Compliance Centre in Switzerland.

Depending on the UBO situation, we will request you to provide the following:

UBO situation Individual to be documented Required documents
Individual UBOs holding 25% or more of the client entity UBO True copy passport, proof of address and second page of compliance questionnaire
No UBO holds 25% or more of the client entity Controlling party UBO Declaration Form, copy passport of the controlling party
Parent company is stock listed or regulated Controlling party Indicate regulator or stock exchange, copy passport of controlling party

Additionally, we would require the documents below:

  • Compliance questionnaire, first page covering the client entity and the second page the UBO. Please provide detailed information.
  • Copy of a recent Trade Register Excerpt and copies of the Articles of Association for the client entity
  • Copy passports of the directors of the client entity
  • Organisation chart, dated and signed with % figures of the UBO’s holdings
  • Point of contact for tax, audit, legal and accounting issues

We are grateful for your cooperation, as it allows us to not only meet the regulatory requirements but also to safeguard the TMF Group clients’ portfolio and making it a transparent environment which attracts clients driven by integrity and good governance principles. At TMF Group, we consider protecting your brand and reputation a value we aim to offer on top of the excellence of the services rendered.

Supporting our clients

Client Care is at the top of our agenda. The most important part of that foundation is, of course, our people. If TMF Group works for our people, then it will work for you - our clients.

If you decide to work with TMF Group, then as our client you will benefit from the following programmes:

Client Satisfaction Programme

At TMF Group, nothing is more important to us than our clients and the delivery of high service. We have implemented a system for monitoring client satisfaction and service quality. We have a dedicated client satisfaction team that conducts surveys on a regular basis to understand client sentiment and ensure we continuously implement improvement initiatives. We take clients feedback very seriously to ensure our clients are happy wherever we support their business.


Created by our team of experts we bring you the latest updates from around the world, helping you remain up to date wherever you operate. By subscribing to the free TMF Group eAlert service you’ll receive our latest insights and updates delivered straight to your inbox.

The daily or weekly updates include:

  • Articles on worldwide business expansion and global business cultures
  • Close looks at individual countries and jurisdictions, with advice for firms conducting business there
  • Trends in legislation, regulations and compliance – and how they affect your company
  • Technical information such as how to expand, comply with regulations, raise capital, and pay your staff across the globe”

Client Success Stories

TMF Group serves over 8,000+ clients globally. Our client base is diverse; from real estate companies, financial institutions, to agricultural manufacturers, and includes many leading S&P 500 & Fortune 500 companies.

Find out what our clients say about us. News and insights 

Personal data protection

Information on how TMF Group processes personal data in connection with offering or rendering services to its clients as a (data) controller is contained in the Privacy Statement.

Standards applied by TMF Group regarding the processing of personal data entrusted by clients for rendering services as a (data) processor, are specified in the Personal Data Protection Policy.

Due to the global presence of business operations of TMF Group and to be able to (prepare to) perform the services or to comply with certain legal obligations, TMF Group may transfer personal data to other countries, subject to adequate safeguards in place as required by applicable laws.

Intragroup data transfers within TMF Group take place on the basis of the Binding Corporate Rules. For personal data that is transferred to third parties outside the European Economic Area, TMF Group enters into legally required agreements with these third parties including the most recent version of the standard contractual clauses as approved by the European Commission or other supervisory authority where required, and puts in place any other adequate safeguards as required under the applicable laws.

Should you require further information on how your data is protected, please review our GDPR StatementPrivacy Statement or the Personal Data Protection Policy.

Information security

TMF Group maintains an Information Security Management System (ISMS) in line with our ISO 27001 accreditation, governed by an overruling Information Security Policy that is supported by numerous independently audited standards, procedures and guidelines.

Having the ISO 27001 Information Security Management System assures our clients that they can securely leave their valuable assets in our capable hands. For further information on how TMF Group protects its clients data, please read our Information Security Policy.

We require that all staff inform themselves of our company policies as per our Code of Conduct, through local management or by publication on company sources such as TMF Group’s intranet and Policy Library page. TMF Group further ensures compliance and understanding by making training through our Learning Management System compulsory, this enforces the policy requirements, and ensures employees to test their knowledge on an annual basis.

In order to ensure continuous, uninterrupted service to our clients, TMF Group maintains Business Continuity Plans (BCP) and Disaster Recovery plans (DRP) for critical business processes and systems. Our Business Continuity Plans are reviewed annually as required by TMF Group's BCM Policy. The business continuity and disaster recovery planning is based on best practices/ standards and covers various crisis scenarios that may impact delivery.

For more information, please refer to our Statement of Continuity which covers different aspects of continuity and security requirements and is available as a public document.

TMF Group has a dedicated Global Security Operations Centre, which monitors our infrastructure 24/7 and scans for potential, or real incidents. Once identified, we will investigate, communicate, escalate, review and remedy any incident, all while notifying those affected within specified time frames. We will then conduct lessons learnt exercises, before releasing a report to those affected once the incident is closed.

TMF Group has a formal documented Security Incident Management Procedure that includes the necessary workflow and processes to respond and recover from any breaches or data losses, as well as communication procedures to be followed in the event of a security incident.

man with posti-it notes

We make a complex world simple

TMF Group is a leading provider of critical administrative services, helping clients invest and operate safely around the world. with over 11,000 colleagues in more than 125 offices across 87 jurisdictions provide local expertise. Our locations cover 92% of world GDP and 95% of FDI inflow.

We are a key part of our clients’ governance, providing the accounting, tax, payroll, fund administration and legal entity management services essential to their success. We make sure rules are followed, reputations protected and operational compliance maintained. We work with the majority of the Fortune Global 500, FTSE 100 and top 300 private equity firms.

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