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Fiduciary services - appointing a director, trustee or representative

TMF Group’s corporate fiduciary services are provided as a critical part of our international corporate secretarial and accounting and tax regulatory compliance practice. Our fiduciary services are a pillar of the bespoke compliance risk management solutions we provide through our global entity management service.

When appointing a director, trustee or representative you aren’t just hiring a person or provider. You are creating a robust compliance function to match your business.

All over the world, in every industry, clients trust TMF Group to fulfil key fiduciary roles because we are ideally resourced and structured.

  • Our individual directors, trustees and representatives are experienced professionals in their own right.
  • A network of local experts in 80-plus jurisdictions guarantees a granular understanding of each legal and regulatory environment.
  • A full portfolio of critical business services and an integrated business model let us provide complete, bespoke answers.
  • Our colossal experience base – in business and compliance, as individuals and collectively – is constantly refreshed helping thousands of international clients embrace new challenges in unfamiliar markets.

How we can support you

The modern market and its regulators expect directors to have the stature and the skills to shoulder regulatory responsibilities with knowledge and confidence.

The suitability of the individual, the relevance of their role, the contribution they are able to make to reducing compliance risk – all are subject to increasing scrutiny.

TMF Group directors and officers are all seasoned business professionals with the seniority, qualifications and experience to perform their duties calmly and expertly, even in times of crisis.

Strong legal, accounting and compliance backgrounds, frequently set within a deep knowledge of the local compliance culture and calendar, means from day one they can:

  • engage with the business challenges.
  • make strong contributions at board level.
  • confidently work with regulators, inspectors and auditors.
  • decode the particular local regulatory choreography and calendar.

Ongoing best-practice training keeps them sharp and up-to-the-minute in management and governance.

We support as well our client’s directors given our ability to offer directorship training sessions with country specific customisation to ensure duties and responsibilities of the role are understood and contribute to mitigate exposure to risk and liabilities.

Appointing TMF Group as your legal and tax representative frees you to trade, invest and transact in a local jurisdiction in full compliance with local legal and taxation regimes.

Because we are bound by local law on your behalf, you remain properly represented in legal proceedings, able to exercise your full legal rights and obligations cleanly and efficiently.

As your trusted conduit to local taxation authorities we simplify and optimise the full scope of your local corporate and withholding tax affairs, and keep you on the right side of often-complex local VAT rates, rules and procedures.

Our legal and tax representative service is an integral part of our global accounting and tax practice.

When setting up a trust, selecting the right trustee is paramount.

TMF Group provides sole corporate trustees, co-trustees or successor trustees for a wide range of trusts designed to meet all of your needs.

Our trustee department is highly qualified

Because we are an independent third party, our priority is always achieving your objectives. And when we work with your auditors, advisors and bankers, we are free from conflicts of interest in governance or regulation.

Our diverse international client base includes family offices as well as HNW individuals and families, with members often located all over the world. The trust structures differ widely, as does the support they need from us, so we tailor our services accordingly.

A specialist family business wealth team works with private clients and their extended families, helping them manage multiple, complex cross-border assets, navigate international tax and regulatory issues, and plan for succession in estates and businesses.

Balanced solution support for every stage of your business lifecycle

Incorporation and start up

Compliance health checks

Ongoing entity management

Year-round regulatory compliance

One-off major projects and events, from M&A to closures

Other business expansion opportunities

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We make a complex world simple

TMF Group is a leading provider of critical administrative services, helping clients invest and operate safely around the world. with over 11,000 colleagues in more than 125 offices across 87 jurisdictions provide local expertise. Our locations cover 92% of world GDP and 95% of FDI inflow.

We are a key part of our clients’ governance, providing the accounting, tax, payroll, fund administration and legal entity management services essential to their success. We make sure rules are followed, reputations protected and operational compliance maintained. We work with the majority of the Fortune Global 500, FTSE 100 and top 300 private equity firms.

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