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TMF Group’s regulatory compliance services

International regulatory compliance can be confusing and hazardous. Supranational regulations are tightening their grip and extending their reach. Localised implementations increase the risk of non-compliance.

TMF Group’s comprehensive, integrated regulatory compliance services put nimble, consistent and complete regulatory compliance easily within your grasp, turning all the tangled complexity and risk into confidence and control.

We have the reach and resource to be your global partner in regulatory compliance management, easily transforming all the regulatory uncertainty into clarity and control.

  • Our global regulatory health checks, conducted by our teams of local experts, can evaluate your current regulatory standing across every market and solve the country-specific challenges they find.
  • With our finger permanently on the regulatory pulse – monitoring supranational regulatory schemes and the innumerable pieces of local legislation that give them the force of law – we make sure there are no surprises.
  • We expertly classify, register, document, assess, review and report across all your regulatory obligations, leaving you free to focus on the business end.
  • Our deep, country-by-country knowledge, expressed through a 120-strong network of local offices, makes light work of the most intricate local and global reporting obligations.
  • For clients facing urgent one-off regulatory challenges – perhaps a major cross-border KYC exercise for a time-critical international deal – we can scale-up quickly and easily thanks to a flexible structure and global resource base. 

Our international regulatory compliance services

The lengthening list of supranational regulations is burden enough for any multinational business, while each jurisdiction implements its regime with its own unique local spin, creating a maze of localised regulation.

How we can support you

The OECD’s CRS governs the exchange of information between financial institutions and local tax authorities. Fines and other penalties for non-compliance can include personal liability. 

TMF Group’s comprehensive CRS classification, due diligence and reporting services – delivered through our global network of local experts – can support any aspect of CRS compliance or complete all of your CRS obligations.

CRS classification, due diligence and reporting with TMF Group
  • Classification: Companies must determine for themselves whether they qualify as a ‘reporting financial institution’ or fall into some other CRS category. TMF Group’s CRS classification service uses the OECD’s own global standards to do this job quickly, cleanly and reliably.
  • Onboarding new accounts: New accounts must be vetted using strict CRS-defined due diligence procedures. We support clients at every stage: helping them identify, collect and review their account holders’ documentation, analysing inconsistencies in the information, and then helping their account holders correct any deficiencies.
  • Due diligence: Existing accounts must be monitored systematically for ‘changes in circumstance’. Again, we can help at every stage of CRS due diligence: collecting account holders’ revised self-certification documentation and recording their new CRS status within the required timeframe.
  • Reporting: Every reporting financial institution must make an annual CRS disclosure to its local tax authority. We can take on CRS reporting on our clients’ behalf, preparing and transmitting all of the information needed in a timely way and in full accordance with the CRS regulations.

The OECD’s BEPS (base erosion and profit shifting) initiative makes complex compliance demands that can vary widely from one jurisdiction to another.

TMF Group’s global network of in-country experts lets you satisfy the matrix of country-by-country compliance obligations cleanly and consistently across any number of jurisdictions.

  • Country-by-country reports provide local tax authorities with details of a company’s business activities, revenues, pre-tax profits, retained earnings, tax paid, assets, employment and so on in that jurisdiction.
  • Master file reports (lodged with the company’s home tax authority but available to all) provide a high-level overview of the group’s global business operations and its policies governing how intra-company transactions are accounted for.
  • Local file reports for each jurisdiction related-party transactions at the country level and describe the underlying transfer pricing decisions. 

Country-by-country reporting with TMF Group

We support the full scope of CbCR reporting to tax authorities, from initial notification to the compliant preparation of unique local files for multiple jurisdictions in which you have a regulated presence. The clean, reliable and consistent country-level reporting we create also greatly simplifies your master file compliance.

To retain their local tax advantages, international companies must frequently meet minimum standards of in-jurisdiction economic substance regulations. Navigating the regulatory detail – one jurisdiction at a time – can be fraught with risk.

TMF Group’s global network of experts keep you on the right side of these complicated regimes across the entire footprint of your global operations.

Economic substance reporting with TMF Group

TMF Group’s worldwide network of local regulatory experts are ideally placed to accurately assess your local economic substance requirements, jurisdiction by jurisdiction, helping you remedy any shortcomings. We will help to keep you compliant with local economic regulations and legislation, meeting global standards across your entire operations.

EU whistleblowing directive sets a minimum standard of protection for those who report breaches of European Union law. All EU member states had to adopt the regulations, with all jurisdictions having to make them law by 17 December 2021. 

Implementation poses a huge challenge. In addition to the many procedural requirements, it can be difficult to convince employees to come forward. This may be a result of stigma attached to whistleblowing in some cultures and societies.

Whistleblowing directive services

TMF Group’s whistleblowing services include facilitating an online platform, a whistleblowing policy and an impartial whistleblowing officer to ensure organisations  comply with the requirements of the directive.

This combination helps ensure that employees can submit their reports anonymously and track the progress of their submission, from when it is newly assigned in the system to its conclusion.

Why use TMF Group?

We can be the one point of contact for whistleblowing services, dealing with non-applicable/non-relevant allegations and engage with all stakeholders where allegations are relevant.

We act as an impartial third party, outside of the hierarchical structure of your organisation, to ensure the protection of the interests of a whistleblower under the regulation.

The United States FATCA law has far-reaching consequences for non-US companies with US assets or accounts. Failure to comply can mean big penalties and multiple country-specific mechanisms make global compliance complicated.

TMF Group’s comprehensive FATCA compliance services and global network of local experts can simplify and support any aspect of compliance or relieve you of the entire burden.

FATCA reporting, classification and compliance with TMF Group
  • Classification: Companies must determine for themselves whether they qualify as an FFI or fall into some other FATCA classification. TMF Group’s comprehensive classification service does this job quickly and reliably.
  • New client onboarding: For FATCA onboarding, customer due diligence checks must be performed on all new account holders to check whether they are ‘reportable’. We help collate and review the critical documentation, identify US indicia (signs of possible FATCA reporting obligations) and resolve any problems, working sensitively with the account holder where necessary.
  • Reporting: Whether reporting direct to the US or via the local tax authorities, our FATCA reporting services relieve international clients of their entire administrative burden, as well as all procedural uncertainty, across any number of jurisdictions.
  • Registration: We help FFIs register with the US tax authorities (IRS) to obtain their Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN).
  • Due diligence for existing accounts: As with onboarding, we collect, review and assess account-holder information, review indicia, and help resolve issues as part of FATCA due diligence. We then provide clients and their account holders with clear compliance overviews.

KYC is the core of every local and global effort to prevent money laundering. Supranational regulation is changing rapidly and growing in its power and reach, with consequences in every jurisdiction.

TMF Group is a leading Know Your Client (KYC) pioneer. Today our global network of compliance experts and industry-leading technologies mean we are always on hand – streamlining your KYC journey, keeping you compliant and on top of developments – wherever you do business.

KYC compliance software with TMF Group

It’s 25 years since we built one of the world’s first KYC databases. Today our knowledge and experience of worldwide KYC procedures, administration and record-keeping runs deeper than ever.

We perform thousands of KYC checks a day – screening against global media, international sanctions registers and global compliance databases, while performing strict risk analyses in line with our clients’ particular criteria.

Our database solution, software tools and secure online portal provide an easy to use, automated and safe way to manage and maintain your KYC processes. (In fact, we use all the same software and tools to perform our own extensive KYC checks.)

For clients working against the clock on major transactions with heavy KYC compliance needs, our deep reservoir of skills and global resources let us scale up quickly to deliver complex compliance results in record time.

Our KYC services cover all elements of the KYC compliance process.

Our KYC services cover all elements of the KYC compliance process.
  • Customer identification, verification and screening: Clients provide us with KYC compliance documentation and we perform full due diligence checks – identification, information collection, sanction list screening, UBO and PEP (politically exposed person) tests – with the results reported back to the client.
  • Maintenance of documentation: Due diligence information is filed in our secure database for future inspection by clients, or in case regulators require it. 
  • Periodic and event-driven re-assessments and updates: We perform all the necessary periodic (risk-based) reviews and event-driven checks (when changing circumstances might have compromised the original risk assessments).
  • Continuous monitoring: Our ‘weekly wash’ meets the new AML5 requirement for continuous anti-money laundering monitoring by screening every current client record in our database. 
  • Reporting: A streamlined service of our own design prepares and transmits all the KYC reports (reportable accounts, related financial account information, associated personal information) necessary to satisfy the demands of AML, AIFMD, FATCA and CRS.

LEI codes are fast becoming a global requirement for companies wishing to participate in international transactions.

TMF Group’s LEI registration and data management services are agile, efficient and robust, providing confidence and certainty wherever you transact. 

LEI compliance services with TMF Group

Our LEI compliance services, procedures and controls are designed to be agile, efficient and robust.

  • Our in-country teams work closely with the many local and global operating units worldwide.
  • We make sure clients’ LEIs are always acquired, renewed, updated and (where appropriate) deregistered in a timely manner.
  • When data management challenges emerge, we manage them efficiently and effectively.

Under the EU MDR directive, intermediaries who create or facilitate tax-aggressive arrangements that cross EU borders must disclose them to the tax authorities. Other jurisdictions are expected to adopt similar measures.

TMF Group’s worldwide network of in-country experts can easily keep you on the right side of these emerging obligations, with timely and efficient MDR monitoring, coordination, data gathering and reporting across your entire international operation. 

MDR services, regulation and reporting with TMF Group

Making sense of opaque, changeable and emerging regulatory frameworks like MDR is what we do, day in day out, for clients all over the world.

  • By continuously monitoring global and local MDR developments, we keep regulatory surprises to a minimum.
  • Our global network of experts help you identify and catalogue cross-border obligations across your entire global footprint, then assess the scale and distribution of the resources you need to become and remain compliant with MDR regulations.
  • Timely collection and efficient management of information will be critical to effective compliance. We can help you make sure your reportable information is always accurate, consistent and timely (and help you avoid over-reporting) by creating optimised information governance structures across all your intermediaries in every jurisdiction.
  • For the most complex international structures we can act as your central point of co-ordination – a trusted partner easing the administrative burden of MDR reporting for your whole business.  

UBO registers are used all over the world to track who really controls / owns legal entities. But detailed compliance processes vary widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, making life difficult for international companies.

TMF Group’s comprehensive UBO compliance services, delivered through a global network of in-country experts, keeps these vital processes consistent, efficient and compliant everywhere you do business.

UBO services with TMF Group

We can take care of all of your UBO compliance tasks, and we can do it anywhere. Our in-house experts in global governance and corporate secretarial administration operate across more than 80 jurisdictions. We use our own robust UBO services framework to collect, store, maintain and register the information needed to meet the particular legal requirements of any number of individual jurisdictions.

  • Initial status review: We identify and review all of the initial information to be registered to attain UBO compliance.
  • Deregistration: When the facts on the ground change, we manage those information changes and oversee deregistration of the original, redundant information.
  • Registration: We collect the required UBO information and then complete the registration process.
  • Annual and event-driven reviews: Either annually or as changing events require, we review corporate ownership structures and validate the findings against the UBO information already registered.

Balanced solution support for every stage of your business lifecycle

Incorporation and start up

Compliance health checks

Ongoing entity management

Year-round regulatory compliance

One-off major projects and events, from M&A to closures

Other business expansion opportunities

man with posti-it notes

We make a complex world simple

TMF Group is a leading provider of critical administrative services, helping clients invest and operate safely around the world. with over 11,000 colleagues in more than 125 offices across 87 jurisdictions provide local expertise. Our locations cover 92% of world GDP and 95% of FDI inflow.

We are a key part of our clients’ governance, providing the accounting, tax, payroll, fund administration and legal entity management services essential to their success. We make sure rules are followed, reputations protected and operational compliance maintained. We work with the majority of the Fortune Global 500, FTSE 100 and top 300 private equity firms.

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